Monday, August 22, 2011

Upstate Livestrong's "Pick and Paddle" Event

Postponed to 3/3/2012 (same time)

$75: Logo/name on back of event tee. $100: Logo/name on back of event tee and logo/name on sponsor headliner banner.
$125: Logo/name on back of event tee, logo/name on sponsor headliner banner, and logo/name on stand-alone island signage.
$175: Logo/name on back of event tee, logo/name on sponsor headliner banner, stand- alone island signage and separate signage at prize tent.
$200 or more: Logo/name on back of event tee, logo/name on sponsor headliner banner, stand-alone island signage and separate signage located at registration table as an ʻOfficialʼ sponsor.
More than $400: All of the above including a banner on sight as the “Official” event sponsor.

For more information, contact me at

Event postponed for March 3, 2012 ..same time 10:30-2:30 with a 9:00AM Registration/Check In.

Sponsors so far include:
High Praises Church (Official)
Suttleaire HVAC (Official)
Cancer Center of the Carolinas (Official)
E Z On Tops 
Anderson Winnelson 
Wilson Creek Electric
Westside Storage
Palmetto Conservation
PalmerBrown Direct
Double D Farm
Budget Signs
Shade Tree Graphics

Ehibitors/Vendors so far:
Scentsy Warmers
Primary Care Esthetics
Cancer Center of the Carolinas
Upstate Livestrong
On On Tri

Thanks in advance to:
Friends - The Grill Man
Best Marine
Elliot & Company
Scentsy Warmers -Michelle Deaton
Summa Joe's
MedShore: Michelle Austin
Ron Hughes
Adam with Budget Signs
Ashley with PCE

Beneficiary: SoS = "Survivors outREACH to Survivors" A new young adult cancer survivor and supporter kayak/canoe club. (An active support group for young adult survivors. You must have been diagnosed somewhere between the age of 18-45).

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Sweet Aroma That Left Me Speechless​site/
(A Facebook friend sent this beautiful worship music to me that left me speechless and I wanted to share the music and the message.)

Mark Kargol Angie, not sure if you are familiar with this guy but I think you will enjoy his music​site/

Speechless! Thank you for sharing! How beautiful. Immediate breaking in a glorious amazing is the anointing on this music..."take our place at the table" - wow! I don't understand why satan would give up the best job in heaven, do you? - Worship Leader? How incredible it must of been to lead worship before our Holy God. Thank you, my friend. Since I was a small child, music is all I've ever known but satan robbed me of those talents when I turned to the rock scene at a young age. My testimony doesn't start at cancers at 31 but at 14 with abuse. But God has always used music to move my heart towards Him and has more than many occasion used lyrics and notes to put me on my face before call me to His Glory. I want to sing to my Lord again in an honest and pure way in which He created me to truth. It took me so many years to understand that the roots of my testimony grow much deeper and much further than I've even allowed myself to speak. God has spent the past couple of years asking me to release these finely be free of the hurts that has held me back from stepping into His Favor and Purpose. I know that one click, one blog, one post and the story is out but this season will not be like the last as my will, my intention is to honor my Father and what it is He has brought me out of..."One Step Away" - my chest is caving in and I can no longer breathe as this aroma has filled the atmosphere of my home with His Glory. 
Thank You, my friend, my brother in Christ,

Angie Suttles

A Gift From LiveSTRONG, The Mother Ship

Thank You, Lance Armstrong Foundation. I appreciate the gift and the sentiment and I just wanted to share a note back with my "Mother Ship."

I'll never forget standing in the park with 199 of my courageous friends on the Hill that incredibly steamy hot day in DC in 2007 with my fist up in the air wrapped in a yellow wristband shouting at the top of my voice - Livestrong, Livestrong, Livestrong, LIVESTRONG, LIVESTRONG, LIVESTRONG.......
What a day of declaration that would not be forgotten.....
I never knew it would be the beginning of my challenging cancer up close and very personal.

We know we can trust you. We know you will not give up or give in. We believe in you and this foundation. We know you are solid. We know you will always make our voice be heard.

I appreciate Lance but he said it himself - it's not about him. I believe change will come streaming through yellow.

I believe in this unity and the determination to fight back.
I believe the dedication for knowledge will save lives.
And I know that the attitudes of this courageous people will bring the end to what we all long to see - the end of cancer.

Love you, my friends

Angie Suttles
Upstate SC for LiveSTRONG

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Eye Of The Storm

A friend who shared 'similar waters' sent me this poem and I was pressed to share it with you. 
The song, an added bonus. 


Fear not that whirlwind will carry you hence,
Nor wait for its onslaught in breathless suspense,
Nor shrink from the blight of the terrible hail,
But pass through the edge to the heart of the tale,
For there is a shelter, sun lighted and warm,
And Faith sees her God through the eye of the storm.
The passionate tempest with rush and wild roar
And threatenings of evil may beat on the shore,
The waves may be mountains, the fields battle plains,
And the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains,
yet, the soul, stayed on God, may sing bravely it psalm,
for the heart of the storm is the center of calm.
Let hope be not quenched in the blackness of night,
Though the cyclone awhile may have blotted the light,
For behind the great darkness the stars ever shine,
And the light of God's heavens, His love will make thine,
Let no gloom dim your eyes, but uplift them on high
To the face of your God and the blue of his sky.
The storm is your shelter from danger and sin,
And God Himself takes you for safety within:
The tempest with Him passes into deep calm,
And the roar of the winds is the sound of a psalm.
Be glad and serene when the tempest clouds form:
God smiles on His child in the eye of the storm. -