Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Luv New York

New York was GREAT!
We really took in the city this year. We took a walk through Central Park, ending up at the Metro Museum of Arts where we saw the original "Washington crossing the Delaware" painting, several Van Goghs, and really amazing Egyptian artifacts. Caleb, my son, was in an Artist's Heaven. We indulged in the tallest sandwich of corned beef and the biggest slice of cheesecake I have ever seen at the famous Carnegie Deli. We walked through Trump Towers, walked across Brooklyn Bridge, shopped in China town, hung out in Time Square, revisited the Today Show and saw an Off Broadway show - STOMP (which was incredible). We took in the view from the top of the Empire State Building while the sun was setting and I cannot tell you how inspiring that particular experience was. We met Al Roker and visited Chelsea's Market and Food Network. We played WII at Nintendo World and went skating at Rockefeller Center.
My son has hopes of making New York his home one day upon completing his education and I have to admit after a couple of visits, I understand why - there really is massive opportunity in that great city. New York gets a bad wrap. They really know how to enjoy life from their food to their street musicians and by the way, they love Southerners. I can't put my finger on it, but I really felt motivated and inspired upon returning home. Sometimes I guess we get caught up in everyday routines and a city like New York just reminds you that there really is life out there.
God intends for us to live it, not just dream it.