Friday, September 7, 2012

I will never live life like I was dying.

Don't misunderstand me, I do understand the artist intent within the song but what I want is to live every day, every hour...moment by moment as if it were

the first breath I had ever taken, the first time I had opened my eyes to the beauty of this incredible creation called life. I understand why we make those bucket list but I prefer life list. My vision, my focus is living...breathing, until one day, it runs out and new breath fills my lungs -celestial air and it fills my soul to capacity and I see the face of my sweet Jesus standing before me and He takes me into this place where cancer does not exist. There is place, a time ...where we will no more worry about cancer, about sickness and disease, death. I pray you will allow the stories of this night and the hearts and spirits of these courageous people who I understand the hurts and pains so intimately with to move you into compassion and stir your hearts for the hurting. The suffering pulls you so far away to a place that dreams of sky diving and Rocky Mountain Climbing seems so great at this moment..but when asked how many more moments would we want, would we ask for if given the there indeed an answer to such a question?...when just to step from the bed to the bathroom is the conquering quest of the day. I know how that feels. i know the anticipation of another day full of new mercy but another day of pain so great that you long to die. But I also know the greatest Hope that ever walked the face of this earth and He makes my path straight. He brings joy that no check on a bucket list could ever offer me. My bucket list, my life list to share Him with you..all the days of my life until they are fulfilled. I love you, my friends and I want to share the greatest joy I know..the only peace that is real, my life list - My God.

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