Thursday, November 17, 2011

Covered In Prayer, Prayer That Heals

The lady on the Doctor Oz Show who shared her testimony of healing from stage 4 breast cancer was so on target! You have to surround yourself with people who will stand in belief with you and create that atmosphere of expectancy! In 2003, when I was told I had another stage 4 cancer, my church family, High Praises Church, stood on the Word of God with me and covered me in prayer. In 2004, the doctors handed me a report that stated "Healed" and I was cancer free. I don't understand what the season we spent away from High Praises Church was all about except that we did learn a very important lesson that perhaps we would not have learned if we had not actually walked it out. I don't believe it was simply misfortune that I would come to yet another battle with the breast cancer when I left High Praises Church. Once that covering.. that umbrella of hope and belief was no longer present, the enemy saw opportunity. Then while I was back in treatment and lost my hair, I bought into the lie from the enemy that if I returned to High Praises Church with a bald head and obviously back in treatment, people would lose faith because they had watched God work that miracle in my body and they looked on as I stood on the platform with my fellow choir members and Pastor Chris and testified that I was healed and would live and not die and proclaim the promises of God. I cannot express in words how thankful I am to be back at High Praises Church. This past Sunday, the church honored our music minister with beautifully spoken and truthful words about him and his amazing wife. Danny and Wanda Knight are the real deal. Both times I was admitted to the hospital this year, I knew sometime during the day to expect Danny. I'm not one who believes our pastors should be on a leash or holding our hands to cross the spiritual street and I don't need them to feed me... I study the word, spend time in my prayer closet, and pray..I nourish myself which is how I learned God's will concerning healing. God directed our path back to High Praises, the only church I had ever been a member of, a charter member at that... the church where I was saved and Baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I know the prayers of the righteous heal the sick as I've lived it and I am a walking testimony that by His stripes, we were healed. Praise God for my church...a church open to the Holy Spirit, who would never intentionally grieve Him...where the anointing flows. I'm thankful for a church where there is freedom of worship and where the Spiritual Gifts are free to operate. I'm thankful for a pastor who brings me Chic-Fil-A to the hospital because the food is more of a threat than the illness and then sits bedside with an open transparent heart. Pastors today are more "rock star" than pastor...not intending to be rude but we all have a devil to fight and there's no time for games. People are 'ankle deep in belief' because pastors are ankle deep . Life is hard and the enemy is seeking who he may devour. My heart grows more and more with concern that pastors are so wrapped up in proclaiming man's imperfection that there's no teaching on seeking righteousness. I know I'm far from perfection but I also know the more I seek Him, the more I find Him and He is perfect. Jesus declared it was finished from the cross and that included sickness. He wants us to have everything He accomplished for us and I will not let that go in vain. I am healed!

I'm covered in prayer, prayer that heals.